The Lego Batman Movie (2017)

My son and I went to go see “The Lego Batman Movie” starring the voice talent of Will Arnett and directed by Chris McKay. Our initial time was sold out so I bought tickets for the next time available. This left us playing in the arcade for 40 minutes. We played a Batman car racing game, air hockey, and a snowmobile game. My wife calls them snowmachines. Must be the Alaska girl in her.

Once we got in the theater and the movie was coming on, I knew we were in the right place. The opening fight scene with Batman and the villains was one of the best hooks in a movie so far in the year. The new Batman song playing during the fight is so catchy and fun that I can work out to that song all day and break into a dance routine. The song and the fight told Batman’s persona so well with him showing off his talent as a fighter and being self-centered to the point it’s funny.

The biggest positive I have for this film is how true it is to Batman. McKay and his production team were on par with this. Bruce Wayne is as self-centered as his alter ego and it works for him. And the voice Arnett gave Batman made him come alive. I got to understand his background and learned why he is the way he is. There is a reason why he never stays with one woman, why he stays out of the spotlight in his personal life, and why he is such a “dick” to Robin throughout most of this movie. What was even more true to Batman is how his two minute feud with Superman was more real and understanding than what Zack Snyder’s two-and-a-half hour “Batman V Superman” (2016) gave us. Plus it was way more funny.

I wasn’t all that impressed by Zach Galifianakis’s voice performance as the Joker. It wasn’t horrible nor distracting, but not memorable. Not sure why Mark Hamill didn’t reprise his epic voice talent for the Joker. I can understand why they chose a more popular comedian to voice the villain, but the voice still isn’t all that impressive. That’s me nit-picking. Doesn’t derive the fun out of it. Still enjoyable.

This is a great movie. A worthy Batman movie that doesn’t hold back from making fun of itself with great comedy, great storytelling, great characters, and great personality. This is a movie full of heart and good family moments that blend well together. This film makes me and my son love Batman even more.


“The LEGO Batman Movie”