X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

The third film of the new X-Men trilogy (directed by Bryan Singer) and the eighth in the franchise-wait, okay… with “Deadpool” (2016) it makes it the ninth. Correction is key when it comes to these kind of things. But I also don’t want Deadpool commandeering my review and saying a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. He’s busy so I think I’m safe. Sorry for going of tangent there. I want to say that “X-Men: Apocalypse” revolves around the X-Men in the 80s facing off against a powerful mutant, Apocalypse (Oscar Issac), with Professor Charles Xavier (John McAvoy), Magneto (Michael Fassbender), and Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) helming the story. It’s a comic book film in regards to the scale it was going for, but gets very diluted as did “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006). Except “Apocalypse” wasn’t as bad.

I didn’t care all that much for this film. I was excited for it at first when the new year started, but as soon as May rolled around, I had lost interest. My co-workers were going to go see it, so I went along for the ride. We got in our seats and I was mostly bored throughout the whole thing. There was a pretty exciting hook in the first scene, but after that, it got slow and boring when Apocalypse was traveling the globe searching for his Four Horsemen that would help him take over the world. It got exciting again, but fell flat with some action scenes that were repeats of the action in “X-Men: Days of Future Past” (2014).

I’m a singular character driven guy and get pretty worn out if the story is trying too hard to focus on an ensemble if not done correctly in a comic book film. “Captain America: Civil War” (2016) did this flawlessly. They had a ton of characters, but I cared about every one of them because they added humor with drama evenly. “Apocalypse” had a  lot of drama, but not enough humor or letup to give me some feelings to compare. I think that’s why I was bored. There wasn’t enough balanced feeling in this film to mix in with the action. It all got bland and wasn’t exciting for me. Again. Bored. One exciting part in this film is a cameo by a very familiar mutant, and that was my favorite part of the film. Everything else didn’t matter to me. So looking forward to “Wolverine 3!”


Michael Fassbender in “X-Men: Apocalypse”

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