Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Zack Snyder once again gives us a visually stunning film that takes it’s audience into a world of super heroes and philanthropists. However awe inspiring, the film itself disappointed me in the theater. It was cut poorly, a lot of story felt overlooked, characters were underdeveloped, and I was over all bored. How could I be bored in a superhero film with Batman and Superman in it?! I nearly fell asleep face first in my popcorn. If a film failed to entertain me to the point where I was falling asleep, then the film failed. True. all film is subjective, but this film didn’t do it to me as it was a bloated mess.

Not all the details of the film are bad. Standing over all of the flaws of this film is Ben Affleck as The Dark Knight himself. Baffleck is what fans are calling him these days. Quite catchy. I’m game. Anyway, I love Affleck as Batman in this film as he’s the most developed character in this two-and-a-half hour film. Where the movie dulled out, I almost forgive it with the action I got from Batman. I’m referring to the warehouse scene. It’s intense and full of Batman kicking some bad guy butt. I would’ve rather seen a Batman solo film than this one. Where was that?!

Superman (Henry Cavill) was  the most underdeveloped character in this film. The son of Jor-El fell flat  with trying to investigate The Caped Crusader and expose him as a common vigilante. Batman/Bruce Wayne did a better job at trying to justify stopping and fighting Superman. The fight itself was a little forced with other reasons other than their hatred towards one another. Once you see the film you’ll know why. Mainly on Superman’s part. The fight was underwhelming for me because for two hours we get a boring buildup to an epic showdown, and the fight doesn’t exceed my frozen chicken to defrost. I felt cheated.

The last bit I want to mention in this review is the extended cut of BvS on DVD and Blue Ray. I haven’t seen it and I don’t intend to. Most of the critics I follow on social media who have seen it say that it’s an improvement and fills holes in the plot. I’m a pure theater guy and won’t be watching the longer cut because the main product that Warner Brothers wanted to produce for consumers was the theatrical cut. Warner Brother’s produced a poorly edited and executed product and it didn’t please most critics, and the box office wasn’t all as impressive as they wanted it to be.

I’m out of ideas now, but I just need to squeeze in Jesse Eisenberg’s performance as Lex Luther here. It was just weird.


Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne

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