Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015)

Friendship is the key focus for this simple story within a beautiful world of stop motion animation. Directed by Mark Burton and Richard Starzak, this film follows Shaun and his sheep-farm family traveling to the big city to find their lost owner. All of the scenes are funny and connected making for focused intersecting vignettes. I cared about the characters and everything they stood for. Shaun is adorable and smart who has to adapt to all of his situations-turned sour-because of all of his relatives being sheepishly curious. It’s pretty remarkable how the story makes all of them so lovable.

Something that really impressed me is there’s no dialogue. It’s practically an intertaining mimed movie. Some people might be turned off by the notion of no speaking roles for 90 minutes, but this film uses it to it’s advantage. I want to turn to “Mr. Bean” (1990-1995) for successful mime storytelling. He managed to use his expressions and mannerisms  to speak for him. It’s funny, and the success rested on the story telling and acting. “Shaun the Sheep Movie” is no different. The detailed animation, the music, and writing for this film worked giving all of the characters a wide range of emotions which gave myself, my wife, my three year old son, and my five week old daughter giggles and smiles.


“Shaun the Sheep Movie”

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