Jurassic World (2015)

Colin Trevorrow brings to life what we all wanted for twenty years since “Jurassic Park” came into theaters. He brings life, humor, and excitement to the film’s characters and dinosaurs alike. I went into this film thinking it was going to be as weak and non-relatable  as the last two. Talking dinosaurs really don’t appeal to me all that much. I was dead wrong about this film.

“Jurassic World” takes us to the infamous island once again off of Costa Rica, except a new park emerged that is supposed to be bigger, better, and most importantly, safer. Things don’t go as safely as people want and it’s up to the game keeper, Owen, (Chris Pratt) to save the day. The concept of the whole movie is great, and is executed perfectly giving us the right amount of action, acting, suspense, and plenty of dinosaurs devouring humans. I was so overcome with it I got giddy.

There have been mixed reviews with this film considering if it’s as good as the original, and to put frankly, it’s not. What Steven Spielberg did with “Jurassic Park” is remarkable. I don’t believe any dinosaur disaster movie will come close to being as good. “Jurassic World” didn’t need to be as good as its original predecessor. It had to be good and fun. And good it became with fun written all over it.


Chris Pratt in “Jurassic World”

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