The Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

Tom Cruise gives a fun a and exciting performance in this action film mixed with “Groundhog Day” (1993) and “Independence Day” (1996). This movie has its own specific day that repeats itself again, and again, and again until Cage (Tom Cruise) and Rita (Emily Blunt) can find a way to fight and defeat an alien invasion on the beaches of Normandy, France. It’s a unique story with a fun cast, and awesome special effects. I got excited seeing practical effects mixed in with computer effects. This was such a fun movie to watch.

Cruise and Blunt balance out extremely well as the protagonists and support each other in each scene they’re in. Cage needs Rita’s experience in hand-to-hand combat and weaponry, and Rita needs Cage’s power to time travel. It’s all coincidental how they gain their skills, meet, and end up working together, or is it fate that brings them closer? Either way, they have great chemistry on screen with some funny and tender moments as they grow to love one another. This is an action and sci-fi film you don’t want to miss. You’ll want to watch it again, and again, and again, and again……

Tom Cruise (L) and Emily Blunt (R) in Edge of Tomorrow

Tom Cruise (L) and Emily Blunt (R) in Edge of Tomorrow

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